Company details

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Anton-Fahne-Weg 8
D-40629 Düsseldorf
Tel:  +49(0)211-24908-0
Fax: +49(0)211-24908-39

Entered in the Commercial Register, Wuppertal District Court, HRB 13315
VAT number: DE164173962
Chief Executive: Dr. Rainer Wessely

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KOYEMANN GMBH PRÄZISIONSWERKZEUGE accepts no liability for any damages, particularly consequential damages, loss of data, lost profits or system or production failures caused by the use of these web pages or by downloading data. This exclusion of liability will not apply in the case of damages from the use of the web pages or downloading of data where these are caused by deliberate intent or gross negligence. Any legal relationship between you and KOYEMANN GMBH PRÄZISIONSWERKZEUGE arising from the use of these web pages will be subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. The venue for any disputes with registered traders arising from the use of these web pages will be Düsseldorf or Wuppertal, at the discretion of KOYEMANN GMBH PRÄZISIONSWERKZEUGE.